Proposed letting changes

QLDC holiday letting changes

As many investors will already be aware, Queenstown Lakes District Council have proposed significant changes to the rules governing this lucrative market sector. Designed to address the well-documented shortage of long-term rental home availability, the concept of the changes is causing justifiable concern among holiday home owners.

Proposing restricting short-term rentals of properties in low and medium density residential zones to just 28 days per annum across no more than three separate lets, it’s a notable decrease from the 90 days currently allowed. The new policy would enable short term accommodation in town centre areas, in higher density residential, mixed use areas and in visitor accommodation sub-zones. Those areas would need a consent above the 28 days, 3 separate lets threshold, but it would be less restrictive. Correct registration with QLDC is key to maintaining current flexibility for holiday home owners. Talk to us for more information on this key subject.